I was a gamer once. There ought to be a W3C-standardized way to open several links in one click so I wouldn’t have to explicitily say that it was a cliché Skyrim reference. Every single night I silently weep because I find no real interest in video games as of lately. Actually that’s mostly because I feel deep solitude caused by a gargantuic hole in my heart which is unlikely to get fixed in the foreseeable future. But yeah, I miss games.

Phew. Not so big of a burden when you decide to finally throw it out. Katharsis of sorts.

Oh, and I was also an avid black metal fan but I discovered that it made my acne go haywire. Ever heard about plants growing stronger while exposed to some classical tunes? It surely was that, I’m certain. The fact that I still look like a Minesweeper ad after withdrawing it is the whole different story and there is no corellation whatsoever. Now I’m more into pop or anything with over 30 millions views on YT in particular. I feel that it makes me a whole lot saner. But hey, let me know if Mgła has released any new odiferous miasma so I can book some ritual bloodletting.

Fast-forward to today, I’m a programmer. Not too big of a personal growth now, is it? Anyhow, I’m not some sort of a programming guru and I hope that I don’t act like one. I have just attained some knowledge surplus and I’d love to share it with you. Privately I mostly write open-source code that I host on GitHub. I tremendously enjoy coding and I hope that you’d find it fun, too. At the end of the day I dedicate the biggest part of my life (on a par with sleep. Sleep is good) to it and it makes me happy to do what I love and be able to share my passion with others. Simple as that. I also happen improve apps by reporting bugs and proposing new features.

You can reach out to me through the following channels:

  • E-mail.
  • Carrier pigeon, although packet loss rate is relatively high.