Hello world! I’m Bartosz. Now that I have your attention, why don’t you follow this inconspicuous and harmless link and click OK in every window that appear on your screen? Much obliged.

This is it! My much awaited blog. Admit it, you was looking forward to check out what nonsensical thoughts I managed to came up with. Wait until you see my prime time commercials. I think (I hope) that it’s safe to say that I’m going to dedicate this place to some programming-related stuff. Like tutorials. Yeah, mostly tutorials. I ocassionaly happen to run my programs without compilation-time errors, so I think that I’m in the most auspicious position to handle this. I have also managed to find a bug in Git installer for Windows. You can’t go much more senior than this. I find interest in reporting bugs in general. I can’t conveniently link to every single one of them, though I swear that I have found a handful of bugs in Microsoft applications and lots of them in video games. Like this one. It’s a great honor to propose an improvement in an app, that potentially impacts hundreds of users. Kidding, it’s all for swag. I’m a terrible liar. If my life has depended on lie detector test results, I would probably throw an unhandled exception right now. Luckily my case comes with a reset button.

I’m going to cover my Youtube Thumbnail Downloader first. I find the script simple enough and I think that it would serve for a perfect introductory course. And then who knows? The possibilities are endless and void is - well, void.