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Securing Apache on Ubuntu 18.04 with a Let's Encrypt TLS certificate

Literally every modern site implements TLS certificate. Why don’t we do the same? We will use a free certificate issued by Let’s Encrypt. I assume that you have Ubuntu and Apache up. We will start with issuing the cert. Let’s go! Issuing the certificate Start with installing Certbot. It will add all requirements for us: sudo apt install certbot Issue the cert. I use example.com for an example. Change it for your domain’s name:...

Host a Flask app using Apache and mod_wsgi

Now that dust has settled after Youtube Thumbnail Downloader tutorial, it’s time for a new thing. When you run a Flask developement server, it tells you that it isn’t suited for prodution: WARNING: This is a developlment server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Fair point. It hasn’t been tested for security and whatnot. There are a few alternatives, most notably Nginx and Apache. I go for the latter....