I feel that I’m way ahead of a deadline.

Yesterday I made a mistake. I didn’t notice that a documentation task has a C priority and I did it instead of unit testing, which is M. I think that’s because I’m not used to the Scrum yet. A Scrum Board would be useful, too. I plan to spend some time today to make an excel sheet do the work. I think of a code maintenance category in a product backlog.

I started to write down ideas and thing I feel that should be addressed. I can probably pull of all this multiple roles situation, but the thing is: I do it concurrently.

I think of “a little refactoring” (let’s face that: it’s never little):

  • make a creature flyweight (separate a name & glyph)
  • com.badlogic.gdx.maps looks like map generation and I want to look into it
  • fix prepositions in docs
  • remove private access modifiers (default)
  • Java 9 (factory methods)
  • create tag components (a WorldComponent etc.) and request an entity from an engine instead of injecting it in a constructor

I also want to do some unit testing. I also plan to add a combat entity and work on a combat system.